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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2021, Vol. 38 Issue (3) :78-83    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20210111
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Effect of Ammonia on Properties of Flue Gas Dust From Plate Display Substrate Glass Furnace
Xu Gang1, Wan Dong2, Pan Jie2
1. China Electronics Engineering Design Institute, S. Y. Technology Engineering & Construction Co., LTD., Beijing 100142, China;
2. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China

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Abstract In this work, by a de-NOx and dust removal device, the effects of ammonia on temperature of dust deposition, water content of dust, and properties of flue gas dust were investigated. The results showed that, with the increase of the concentration of ammonia, the temperature of dust deposition increased obviously, at the same time, the water content of dust increased too, the average water content in the dust is in the range of 7%~8%. Based on results of SEM and granularity distribution, when the concentration of ammonia reached 710 mg·Nm-3 in flue gas, the boron oxide ammonia hydrate was found in the dust, particle accumulation occurred, and average size of particle increased, which was helpful for the removal of dusts.
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Xu Gang
Wan Dong
Pan Jie
Keywordsglass furnace flue gas;   properties of flue gas dust;   selective non catalytic reduction     
Received 2021-01-28;
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Xu Gang, Wan Dong, Pan Jie.Effect of Ammonia on Properties of Flue Gas Dust From Plate Display Substrate Glass Furnace[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2021,V38(3): 78-83
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