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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2021, Vol. 38 Issue (3) :36-48    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20200331
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Heat Transfer Performance and Pressure Drop of a Gas-solid Circulating Fluidized Bed Heat Exchanger
Jiang Feng1, Han Nisha1, Qi Guopeng2, Wang Jinjin1, Li Xiulun1
1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;
2. School of Biological and Environment Engineering, Tianjin Vocational Institute, Tianjin 300410, China

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Abstract A gas-solid circulating fluidized bed heat-exchange apparatus is designed and built to enhance heat transfer by combining the fluidized bed heat transfer and fouling prevention technology with gas-phase heat-exchange process. Air and glass bead particles are selected as the working media. The effect of operating parameters, such as the amount of added particles, air flow rate and heat flux, on the heat transfer performance and pressure drop are investigated by using resistance temperature detectors and differential pressure transmitter. Results show that the addition of the glass beads can significantly enhance heat transfer. The heat transfer enhancement factor reaches 33.4% at ε=1.5%,Vg=19.78 m3·h-1 and q=1 kW·m-2, and the corresponding pressure drop ratio does not exceed 2.4%. The heat transfer enhancing factor fluctuates with the increase in the amount of added particles and air flow rate. At low air flow rate, the enhancing factor increases with the increase in heat flux. With the increase in air flow rate, the effects of heat flux on the enhancing factor decreases. With the increase in the amount of added particles, the pressure drop ratio fluctuates at low air flow rate, but increases at high air flow rate. The pressure drop ratio fluctuates with the increase in air flow rate, depending on the amount of added particles and heat flux. Heat flux has a little effect on the pressure drop ratio. The three-dimensional diagrams are established to show the effect of the operating parameters on the heat transfer performance and pressure drop. These findings are beneficial to the industrial application of the fluidized bed heat transfer and fouling prevention technology in the gas-phase heat-exchange process.
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Articles by authors
Jiang Feng
Han Nisha
Qi Guopeng
Wang Jinjin
Li Xiulun
Keywordsheat transfer enhancement;   gas-solid two-phase flow;   circulating fluidized bed heat exchanger;   pressure drop     
Received 2020-06-04;
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Jiang Feng, Han Nisha, Qi Guopeng, Wang Jinjin, Li Xiulun.Heat Transfer Performance and Pressure Drop of a Gas-solid Circulating Fluidized Bed Heat Exchanger[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2021,V38(3): 36-48
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