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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2017, Vol. 34 Issue (6) :88-94    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20131153
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CFD Analysis to Pressure Drop in Fixed Bed
Wang Chunlei, Wang Rijie, Yang Xiaoxia, Qiao Shengchao
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072, China

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CFD method was used to study the pressure drop in the fixed bed packed with the particles of same and different diameter. PFC3D software was used for modeling of the fixed bed, and Fluent software was used to simulate the pressure field. The working range of the particle Reynolds numbers (Rep) was from 1 to 2 200. Simulated results of the void fraction and pressure drop were compared with calculated results by the semi-empirical equation in published literature, which indicated that at low Rep (Rep<120), a good agreement was achieved between simulated and calculated results of the pressure drop. While at high Rep, the difference between them was significant. Large particles made the peaks of void fraction profile moved toward the center of the fixed bed, and the distance from the first peak to the bed wall was almost same as the value of mass mean diameter (d43). When the semi-empirical equation used d43 instead of the original parameter, the corresponding calculated results of the pressure drop agreed better with CFD predicted resulted.

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Articles by authors
Wang Chunlei
Wang Rijie
Yang Xiaoxia
Qiao Shengchao
Keywordspressure drop;   fixed bed;   CFD;   particle diameter;   void fraction     
Received 2016-01-31;
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Wang Chunlei, Wang Rijie, Yang Xiaoxia, Qiao Shengchao.CFD Analysis to Pressure Drop in Fixed Bed[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2017,V34(6): 88-94
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