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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2020, Vol. 37 Issue (4) :23-29    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20191935
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Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Model Oil with Glycol-Urea Composite Extractant
Liu Qian, He Tianqi, Liu Xiaohan, Li Lanxin, Wang Zhenya, Zhang Xiang, Fu Qiyan, Han Mengxing, Zhang Xianglan
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China

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Abstract The products of direct liquefaction of coal contain a large number of phenolic compounds and other oxygenated or nitrogenous compounds, which have direct impacts on the extraction and separation of phenols. In this paper, glycol-urea composite extractant was used as extractant, the effects of urea content in extractant, stirring time, static time, temperature and extractant usage on the extraction of phenols in the model oil were investigated. The effects of acetophenone, indole and pyridine on the separation of phenols were also investigated. The results showed that the extraction effect of m-cresol by glycol-urea composite extractant is significantly better than urea. When the stirring time was 20 min and the static time was 10 min, the extraction equilibrium could be reached. The increase of temperature was not conducive to extraction. Extraction efficiency of m-cresol increased first and then stabilized with the increase of extractant usage. The extraction efficiency of m-cresol could reach 99.2% at 25℃ and the mass ratio of extractant to model oil was 1:1. Adding acetophenone, indole, and pyridine to the model oil will reduce the extraction efficiency of m-cresol. Compared to acetophenone and indole, pyridine has the greatest effect on the separation of m-cresol, which can reduce the m-cresol extraction to 71.6%.
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Articles by authors
Liu Qian
He Tianqi
Liu Xiaohan
Li Lanxin
Wang Zhenya
Zhang Xiang
Fu Qiyan
Han Mengxing
Zhang Xianglan
Keywordsdirect conversion of coal products;   composite extractant;   extraction;   separation;   heteroatom compounds;   m-cresol     
Received 2019-11-28;
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Liu Qian, He Tianqi, Liu Xiaohan, Li Lanxin, Wang Zhenya, Zhang Xiang, Fu Qiyan, Han Mengxing, Zhang Xianglan.Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Model Oil with Glycol-Urea Composite Extractant[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2020,V37(4): 23-29
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