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2017 Vol.34 Issue.3,Published 2017-05-15

0 Contents
2017 Vol. 34 (3): 0-0 [Abstract] ( 816 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 473KB] ( 853 )
1 A New Solvent-Free Preparation Approach for Polymouphous Metal-Free Phthalocyanine Photoconductive Materials and Their Performances
Pu Bingye, Li Xianggao, Wang Shirong, Xiao Yin, Li Zhanqiang, Chen Yufu

In this paper, a new solvent-free crystal phase transformation approach for fabrication of α- and β-form metal-free phthalocyanine(H2Pc) with good performance is reported. The cyclic condensation of 1,3-diiminoisoindoline is used to fabricate H2Pc powder, which appears α-form with low crystallinity after purification paste. According to the effect of annealing temperature on the thermal phase transformation process, α-H2Pc with 100% crystallinity at 190 ℃ for 2 h is obtained. And β-H2Pc with 95.04% crystallinity could be also obtained at 280 ℃ for 2 h. The morphology of H2Pc obtained in different conditions is studied, which is changed from irregular sheet structure to rodlike structure. Laser organic photoconductors doped H2Pc as the charge generation material are also prepared to detect the photoelectric performance. The α-H2Pc and β-H2Pc present the good photosensitivity with 0.609 and 0.420 μJ·cm-2, respectively. As a result, this new crystal phase transformation approach for H2Pc is simple and environmental friendly. Here, α-H2Pc and β-H2Pc with good photoconductive properties could be obtained continuously, which could be widely used in high speed laser organic photoconductor.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 1334 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1466KB] ( 911 )
8 Effect of the SiO2/Al2O3 Ratio on the C3H6-SCR Performance of the Cu-SAPO-34 Catalysts
Li Xingang, Yan Huizhen, Lv Jiaolong, Bo Ling, Jin Fengmin

Cu-SAPO-34 is a promising NOx selective catalytic reduction (SCR) catalyst. Its support, the SAPO-34 zeolite, has great effect on the catalytic performance of De-NOx. In this work, the SAPO-34 zeolites with the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 were synthesized by a hydrothermal process. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results show that the crystallinity of the SAPO-34 zeolites was improved with the increasing of the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio; and NH3 temperature-programmed desorption (NH3-TPD) results indicate that the number of the acid sites is largest when the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio is 0.8. As a result, the Cu-SAPO-34 catalyst synthesized with the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of 0.8 presented the highest C3H6 selective catalytic reduction (C3H6-SCR) performance.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 8-12 [Abstract] ( 1578 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1392KB] ( 1220 )
13 Optimization of Depolymerization of Paraformaldehyde by Response Surface Methodology
Sun Yongli, Xu Jianwen, Xiao Xiaoming

Formaldehyde is one kind of important chemical intermediates and can be obtained through the depolymerization of paraformaldehyde for its inconvenience in transportation and storage. In this paper, the effects of kinds of solvent, the depolymerization temperature, the heating time and addition of H2SO4 on the depolymerization of paraformaldehyde were investigated. According to the above experiments and Box-Benhnken design principle, the depolymerization conditions were optimized by response surface methodology (RSM) with three factors and three levels, and the optimal conditions were as follows: the solvent is ethyl acetate, reaction temperature is 92.6 ℃, addition of H2SO4 is 0.46% and heating time is 3.9 h. The content of formaldehyde reaches 21.1%.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 13-17 [Abstract] ( 2506 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1333KB] ( 2919 )
18 Study on the Capacity of Calcium Alginate Sponge with or Without Silver Nanoparticles
Wang Kang, Hao Yanli

Porous calcium alginate (ALG-Ca) sponges with or without silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were prepared by tailoring hydrogel to incorporate enough air and internal gelling method. The experiment result was as follows: ALG-Ca wet sponge was disposed by using absolute ethyl alcohol to accelerate the process of drying and remain the porous structure to achieve ALG-Ca desiccated sponge, then ALG-Ca sponge with excellent flexibility was obtained through impregnating ALG-Ca desiccated sponge into alcohol-glycerol aqueous solution. Moreover, ALG-Ca sponges were immerged into AgNO3 solution, then impregnated into alcohol-glycerol aqueous and dried at 80 ℃ to prepare AgNPs-loaded ALG-Ca sponges. The change of water solution including various alcohol and glycerol has an influence on the liquid absorption, liquid preservation and mechanical properties of Ca-ALG sponges. AgNPs-loaded ALG-Ca sponges showed good antibacterial capability against both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 18-23 [Abstract] ( 1462 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1636KB] ( 1117 )
24 Vapor Liquid Equilibrium for 2,2-Dimethylbutane+Ethanol and +1-Propanol at 1 atm
Qi Linghui, Wang Rijie, Yang Xiaoxia

A double circulating vapor liquid equilibrium apparatus was designed and established. Isobaric vapor liquid equilibrium of two binary systems 2,2-dimethylbutane+ethanol and 2,2-dimethylbutane+1-propanol at 1 atmosphere was measured. The experimental data passed integral thermodynamic consistent test. NRTL equation was used to correlate the vapor liquid equilibrium data of the binary system to obtain the model parameters. With the parameters, vapor composition was calculated and compared with the corresponding experimental data. The average deviations between calculated and experimental vapor composition were less than 0.02. The result showed that NRTL model was applicable for these two binary systems.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 24-29 [Abstract] ( 4044 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1537KB] ( 1561 )
30 The Solubility Measurement and Correlation of Trans-4-Hydroxycyclohexyl Desloratadine
Xue Tong, Zhang Richeng, Yan Xilong

The solubility of trans-4-hydroxycyclohexyl desloratadine in water and the binary mixtures of 10% water+methanol, 20% water+methanol, 10% water+ethanol and 20% water+ethanol at the temperature range from 293.15 to 323.15 K at 101.3 kPa were measured using the HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) method. The obtained results were correlated with the modified Apelblat equation and the λh equation. Its enthalpy and entropy in the selected solvents were calculated based on the van't Hoff equation. It was found that the solubility of trans-4-hydroxycyclohexyl desloratadine increased with the increase of temperature, and decrease of polarity of solution. The dissolution processes in the above solvents were demonstrated to be an endothermic and entropy-driven over the investigated temperature range.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 30-36 [Abstract] ( 4644 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1678KB] ( 1036 )
37 Prediction of Refractive Indices of Ionic Liquids by a Group Contribution Method
Li Xiaobing, Cui Xianbao, Feng Tianyang, Jie Huimin, Xu Li, Lin Ruirong

Based on the study of refractive indices of ionic liquids, a group contribution method is proposed to predict the refractive indices of ionic liquids at different temperatures. Refractive indices of 115 ionic liquids(ILs) including 5 kinds of cations and 26 kinds of anions were collected from literature, and 39 groups were obtained by a new group dividing method. The contribution values of 39 groups were obtained by regressing 1 161 data of refractive indices(λ=589 nm). The standard deviation and the average relative deviation the regression are 0.00897 and 0.452%, respectively. In order to testify the reliability of the model, the proposed model was used to estimate the refractive indices of two ILs which are not involved in the 115 ILs. The average relative deviations of the predictions are 0.520% and 0.284%, respectively, which proves the group contribution method for predicting the refractive indices of ionic liquids at different temperatures is reliable.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 37-42 [Abstract] ( 3715 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1730KB] ( 2148 )
43 Preparation of Amino Group Modified Mesoporous Silica Nano-particles and Its Application in Hydrophobic Drug Loading and Release
Yan Jianmin, Zhang Yuqing

In order to increase drug loading capacity, the surface of MSN was functionalized with amine groups by treatment with APTS. Under the best preparation conditions, the FXD loading efficiency of MSN and MSN-NH2 was 28.1 mg/g and 39.3 mg/g. In this experiment, we studied the in vitro release properties of samples and found that the amounts of released FXD from MSN was about 67.7% for 32 h, whereas the released FXD from MSN-NH2-3 was around 59.3% for 32 h. FXD release data of MSN and MSN-NH2-3 was fitted with the Korsmeyer-Peppas model. The drug release kinetics constant of MSN-NH2-3 (k=13.41) is less than MSN(k=19.64). These results demonstrated that the FXD loading capacity of MSN-NH2 was increased by 11.2 mg/g and the FXD cumulative release capability of MSN-NH2 was decreased by 8.4%.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 43-49 [Abstract] ( 2259 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1802KB] ( 2325 )
50 Research Progress on Sulfide Electrolyte for All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries
Xu Qiang, Mo Shanshan, Xu Zhibin, Liu Jiaquan, Ding Fei, Liu Xingjiang

Recently, lithium-ion batteries have been widely used in the field of transportation, communication, portable electronics and electric tools, etc. Traditional lithium ion batteries pose a lot of safety hazards by using liquid electrolyte, such as volatility, easy to leak, poor impact resistance, etc. All-solid-state electrolyte, which has the property of high thermal stability, long cycle life, shock resistant performance, is an ideal alternative material to replace the liquid electrolyte. The sulfide electrolyte with many advantages, including high ionic conductivity, simple preparation, wide electrochemical window, has become a research focus of all-solid-state lithium ion batteries recently. The progress of Li2S-P2S5 based electrolytes of all-solid-state lithium-ion battery is introduced in this paper. The latest research results and various improvements of battery performance are summarized, and the prospect of application for the sulfide electrolyte in the future is also discussed.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 50-57 [Abstract] ( 4379 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1470KB] ( 1586 )
58 Treatment of Chemical Wastewater by Coupled Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) System
Zhang Huimin, Li Peng, Sun Linquan, Tian Hailong, Li Baoan

The treatment of high-concentration chemical organic wastewater by a coupled membrane-aerated biofilm reactor(MABR) system, including ferric-carbon micro-electrolysis and Fenton reaction applied as biological polishing steps, membrane-aerated biofilm reactor(MABR) process and ozonization as post-treatment was studied experimentally. The influence of operational conditions on COD reduction and BOD5/COD (B/C) ratio was explored. The results showed that an increase of B/C ratio from 0.05 to 0.12 was achieved when micro-electrolysis was employed at pH of 4 for 1.5 h. The optimized conditions of Fenton reaction were n(H2O2)∶n(Fe2+) of 9 and pH of 3. Finally, coupling MABR system with ozonization, COD concentration of the effluent quality stayed below 500 mg/L and reached the standard of introduction to municipal sewage treatment plants.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 58-64 [Abstract] ( 3258 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2207KB] ( 1081 )
65 Condition Optimization for Adsorption of Ammonia Nitrogen in Seawater by Modified Sand Using Response Surface Methodology
Zhao Jin, Wang Wenhua, Cheng Yu, Jiang Tianxiang, Wang Jing

The adsorption of ammonia nitrogen in polluted seawater by using chitosan coated quartz sand was investigated in this paper. The structure of modified sand had been characterized by SEM and FTIR. Based on the single factor experiment, the effects of factors including pH, dosage and particle size on the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen and interaction were studied using Box-Behnken response surface method. And aquadratic model was established between ammonia nitrogen removal rate and the factors. The results indicate that the order of the factors is as follows: dosage, particle size and pH of solution. The optimal adsorption conditions are pH 7.08, dosage 77.4 g/L, particle size 0.8 mm, the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen is 78.86%, which is consistent with the predicted value by response surface method.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 65-71 [Abstract] ( 1890 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2377KB] ( 1070 )
72 PAHs in Soils Classification Based on Acid and Alkali Extraction Method and Resin Extraction Method
Sui Hong, Ren Xingfei, Liao Xiaoyong, Yan Xiulan, Ma Dong

Adopting acid and alkali extraction method and non-polar ion exchange resin (XAD-8 resin) extraction method, soil could be divided into light fractions (LF), high fractions (HF), Humic acid (HA), Fulvic acid(FA) and Humin(HM), and the adsorption characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the fractions was studied. These fractions extracted by the above two methods had the similar peak shape, namely extracts were the same. The contents of total PAHs in LF were far greater than HF in the acid and alkali extraction method and XAD-8 resin extraction method, and the contents of PAHs in HF were mainly distributed in HM, accounted for around 54% and 75% of the total PAHs in HF. The PAHs' total recovery extracted by acid and alkali extraction method and XAD-8 resin extraction method was 100.7%, 147.2% respectively.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 72-79 [Abstract] ( 1084 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2611KB] ( 10036 )
80 Numerical Simulation on the Impacts of Catalyst Layer Thickness on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)
Wang Na, Zhang Wen, Wang Yuxin

The performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) with different cathode catalyst layer (CCL) thicknesses across the whole range of power output are simulated using a one-dimensional steady-state macro-homogeneous model. With the intention of keeping the proportions of all constituents in the CCL invariant,two different ways are chosen to change the CCL thickness. One is to alter the Pt mass loading per unit area of CCL. Another is to vary the Pt mass fraction of Pt/C catalyst particles. The result shows that the calculated best PEMFC performance corresponds to a thicker CCL. However, from the perspective of improving the utilization of catalyst, a thinner CCL for the former method and a thicker CCL for the latter method can ensure catalyst utilization higher. Under given conditions, the best CCL thickness in the sense of high power output holds within the entire operating window of output current.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 80-87 [Abstract] ( 2253 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2188KB] ( 1254 )
88 Anti-Angiogenic Activity of Naked Plasmid Encoding Targeting Recombinant Platelet Factor 4
Wang Tingyue, Wang Zhe, Huang He

To construct an recombinant eukaryotic expression vector of pcDNA3.1(+)-PF447-70-RGD, detect expression of targeting recombinant PF4 in eukaryotic cell and explore its biologic activity in vitro. A targeting recombinant PF4(platelet factor-4) eukaryotic expression vector was designed and constructed by cloning PF447-70-RGD cDNA into the pcDNA3.1(+) vector, and was transferred by lipofectamine into CHO cell line. Then G418 was used to select table-transfected CHO cell line with PF447-70-RGD gene. The mRNA and protein expression level of recombinant peptides were analyzed via RT-PCR and Western blot. MTT assay was used to observe the growth inhibition effect of expressing products of table-transfected CHO cell line on HUVEC(Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells). The recombinant eukaryotic expression vector of pcDNA3.1(+)-PF447-70-RGD is successfully constructed and stabilized expressed CHO cell lines is acquired. Target gene expression is detected both at the genetic and protein level. MTT assay shows that growth inhibitory rate of expressing products of table-transfected CHO cell to HUVEC is 50.8%. Compared with the control group, the growth and tubular formation of HUVEC are significantly inhibited in the experimental group. The targeting recombinant PF4 peptides have antiangiogenic activity, and they inhibit the proliferation of HUVEC in vitro.

2017 Vol. 34 (3): 88-94 [Abstract] ( 896 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2304KB] ( 854 )
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