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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1999, Vol. 16 Issue (5) :286-291    DOI:
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Developm ent of Deflourination from W aterby Rare Earth Com pound
Li Xiaoyun Song Kuanxiu Yan Xiuru Wang Jianping
( School Science, Tianjin Univ., Tianjin 300072) Dong Qingjie( Departm ent of Chem ical Engineering, Tianjin Institute of Technology, Tianjin 300191

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Abstract Application of Rare Earth com pounds in the rem ovalofflouride w as review ed. Several new m aterials for deflourination w ere recom m ended and their behaviorshave been com pared.
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Keywords�� Rare Earth com pound   rem ovalof flouride   w ater treatm ent   com posite     
Received 1999-09-15; published 1999-09-15
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Li Xiaoyun Song Kuanxiu Yan Xiuru Wang Jianping.Developm ent of Deflourination from W aterby Rare Earth Com pound[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1999,V16(5): 286-291
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