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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1999, Vol. 16 Issue (5) :292-296    DOI:
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The Fractal Theory and its Applicationin Equation of State
Suo Xiaofang Ma Peisheng
( School of Chem ical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072

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Abstract In this paper,the concept of fractal theory w as introduced. Based on fractalstructure,a coordination num ber,a m olecular m ean potentialfunction and an equa tion of state( H S F T) w ere also introduced. Further,the application of H S F T w asdiscussed.
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Keywords�� fractaltheory   coordination num ber   m olecular m ean potential   equationofstate     
Received 1999-09-15; published 1999-09-15
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Suo Xiaofang Ma Peisheng.The Fractal Theory and its Applicationin Equation of State[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1999,V16(5): 292-296
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