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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2001, Vol. 18 Issue (5) :290-294    DOI:
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Separation on the Aqueous Alcohol Solution by Extractive and Reactive Distillation with Salt
LEI Zhi-gang,ZHOU Rong-qi,YE Jian-qiang,WANG Hong-you,DUAN Zhan-ting (Department of Chemical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)
(Department of Chemical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China

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Abstract On the basis of extractive distillation with salt and extractive distillation with reaction,a new method of extractive distillation with salt and reaction combined was put forward in the paper.According to the experiments of isopropanol\|water system it showed that extractive distillation with salt and reaction combined was better than extractive distillation with salt only.Through the process experiment it further proved that this method got the product of isopropanol over 96% and was very effective for separating aqueous alcohol solutions.
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Received 2001-09-15; published 2001-09-15
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LEI Zhi-gang,ZHOU Rong-qi,YE Jian-qiang,WANG Hong-you,DUAN Zhan-ting .Separation on the Aqueous Alcohol Solution by Extractive and Reactive Distillation with Salt[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2001,V18(5): 290-294
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