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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2002, Vol. 19 Issue (2) :163-166    DOI:
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Extraction of Levulinic Acid from Paper-making Black Liquor
HE Zhu-sheng (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Baoji College of Arts and Science,Shaaxi Baoji\ 721007,China)
(Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Baoji College of Arts and Science,Shaaxi Baoji\ 721007,China

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Abstract Alkaline straw-pulp black liquor is leavened by alkaliproof bacterium.The lignin is precipitated by acidulation.The solution is concentrated into [C\-6H\- 12 O\-6]=100g/L-110g/L.Then [H\-2SO\-4]=15g/L is added,and boiled 30min.Then levulinic acid is extracted by 2-octanol at 30��,counterextracted by water.The soltuion of levulinic acid is concentrated,rectified,crystallized by cold method.The pure levulinic acid is obtained.
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Received 2002-03-15; published 2002-03-15
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HE Zhu-sheng .Extraction of Levulinic Acid from Paper-making Black Liquor[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2002,V19(2): 163-166
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