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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2003, Vol. 20 Issue (3) :145-149    DOI:
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Study on the Solubility of the Three-Component System KCl-NH_4Cl-H_2O
ZHAO Chang-wei1,MA Pei-sheng1,GUO Wa-li2,GUO Ren-chun2(1.School of Chemical Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2.Shenyang Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Liaoning Shenyang 1100021,China)
(1.School of Chemical Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2.Shenyang Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Liaoning Shenyang 1100021,China)

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Abstract The ion-interaction Pitzer's model,together with its extended model,has been successfully applied for predictions of mineral solubility in natural water system,but its application for predicting the component solubility of sosoloid solid solution like KCl-NH4Cl-H2O three-component aqueous salt system has never been investigated.The reason is that the composition of sosoloid solid solution is always changing with liquid composition,so that the equilibrium of liquid-solid system is difficult to calculate.The object of this study is to investigate the application of the Pitzer's model for the calculation of equilibrium solubility of KCl-NH4Cl-H2O system with sosoloid solution.Excellent agreement with experimental solubility for ternary solubility with sosoloid solid solution.On the other hand,the study also tends to provide a theoretical basis for the manufacture process of Potassium Sulfate by conversion method.
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Received 2003-05-15; published 2003-05-15
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ZHAO Chang-wei1,MA Pei-sheng1,GUO Wa-li2,GUO Ren-chun2.Study on the Solubility of the Three-Component System KCl-NH_4Cl-H_2O[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2003,V20(3): 145-149
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