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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2022, Vol. 39 Issue (3) :98-106    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20210340
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Study of multi-physical field characteristics in a microwave reactor with an interlayer and a stirring blade
ZOU Pengcheng, JIN Guangyuan, CUI Zhengwei, NIE Guoyu, HAN Taibai, ZHU Yulian
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Food Manufacturing Equipment Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangnan University, Jiangsu Wuxi 214122, China

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Abstract Microwave heating chemical reaction is fast and efficient, so microwave reactors are used in auxiliary chemical production. However, uneven heating is the main problem of microwave heating chemical reaction. Therefore, a fluid stirring paddle was introduced into a microwave reactor with an interlayer. The multi-physics coupling calculation of the Maxwell equation, heat transfer equation and flow equation was carried out using COMSOL software, and the influence of material dielectric properties, microwave power and stirring paddle parameters on microwave heating characteristics were discussed. The study found that: (1) When the relative dielectric constant of the material is between (2.16-0.28j) and (2.73-0.13j), the microwave heating uniformity is better; (2) After heating 2 seconds, the uniformity of microwave heating shows regular changes; (3) With the increase of microwave power, the material temperature rises faster under the same heating time, but the stirring power consumption is also higher; (4) The larger the impeller diameter and stirring speed, the lower the temperature variation coefficient of the material, and the better the microwave heating uniformity; The coefficient of variation first decreases and then increases with the increase of the bottom clearance, and the power consumption decreases linearly with the increase of the bottom clearance; (5) The significance of the stirring blade parameters influence on power consumption and coefficient of variation is: stirring speed > impeller diameter > bottom clearance.
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ZOU Pengcheng
JIN Guangyuan
CUI Zhengwei
NIE Guoyu
HAN Taibai
ZHU Yulian
Keywordsmicrowave reactor   microwave heating   heating uniformity   fluid stirring   multiphysics simulation     
Received 2021-04-08;
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ZOU Pengcheng, JIN Guangyuan, CUI Zhengwei, NIE Guoyu, HAN Taibai, ZHU Yulian.Study of multi-physical field characteristics in a microwave reactor with an interlayer and a stirring blade[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2022,V39(3): 98-106
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