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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2019, Vol. 36 Issue (5) :70-79    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20181027
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Effect of Expansion Pressure and Initial Clearance on Expansion Joint Quality of Heat Exchanger
Duan Mingde, Sheng Qingzhi, Zhang Zhuangya, Yang Baoxu, Liu Jingbo
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Henan Luoyang 471003, China

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Abstract In order to study the effects of heat transfer tube-tube plate expansion pressure and initial gap on heat exchanger expansion quality, the reliability of the hydraulic expansion joint was studied by the method of expansion parameterized simulation, and the elasto-plastic parameterized geometric model of heat exchange tube-tube plate expansion joint was established, and different expansion joint pressure and initial clearance of heat exchange tube-tube plate were performed. The residual equivalent stress, residual contact stress and distribution law of heat transfer tubes were obtained. The results show that when the expansion joint pressure is the same and the gap is different, the different of residual equivalent stress and residual contact stress value after unloading are smaller; When the initial gap is the same and the expansion pressure is different, residual stress and residual contact stress after unloading are quite different. The residual contact stress on the outer surface of the heat exchange tube increases with the increase of expansion joint pressure, and the residual equivalent stress also increases with the increase of the expansion joint force, and the change trend is consistent. When the material is Ti31 titanium alloy and the expansion pressure is 183 MPa, the initial clearance between heat exchanger tube and tube sheet is eliminated. The results provide the basis for optimizing the optimal expansion joint performance of heat exchangers and improving the quality of expansion joints.
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Duan Mingde
Sheng Qingzhi
Zhang Zhuangya
Yang Baoxu
Liu Jingbo
Keywordsheat exchanger;   expansion pressure;   initial gap;   residual contact stress;   expansion quality     
Received 2018-05-03;
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Duan Mingde, Sheng Qingzhi, Zhang Zhuangya, Yang Baoxu, Liu Jingbo.Effect of Expansion Pressure and Initial Clearance on Expansion Joint Quality of Heat Exchanger[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2019,V36(5): 70-79
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