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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2019, Vol. 36 Issue (4) :7-17    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20181011
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Research on VOCs Emission Detection Methods and Influencing Factors in Petrochemical Enterprises
Zhu Shiyue1,2, Zhao Chaocheng2, Han Fenglei2
1. State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Treatment in Petrochemical, Beijing 100000, China;
2. School of Chemical Technology, China University of Petroleum, Shandong Qingdao 2566580, China

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Abstract Samples of volatile organic compounds were collected from a refinery in Qingdao. The storage stability of two kinds of airbags with different materials was compared. At the same time, the samples were analyzed under the conditions of the control of light and whether the protective gas was added. It was concluded that the average recovery of PEA(polyester aluminum) air bags (79.6%±4.0%) was significantly better than that of PVF(polyvinyl fluoride) air bags(72.9%±4.0%) for stationary volatile organic compounds in the refinery. And light and protective gas will have a certain degree of impact on the experimental results.
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Zhu Shiyue
Zhao Chaocheng
Han Fenglei
Keywordsvolatile organic compounds;   air bag;   light;   protective gas     
Received 2018-03-09;
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Zhu Shiyue, Zhao Chaocheng, Han Fenglei.Research on VOCs Emission Detection Methods and Influencing Factors in Petrochemical Enterprises[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2019,V36(4): 7-17
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