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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2017, Vol. 34 Issue (6) :38-42    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20151104
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Study on the Electrodialysis Rules of Inorganic High-Salinity Wastewater
Xin Shiji1,2, Liu Yong1,2, Cao Wenbin3, Yin Shengkui3, Yin Qiuxiang2, Hao Hongxun2
1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin 300072, China;
3. Beijing Jindayu Enviromental Technology Co. Ltd, Beijing 100043, China

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In this work, the desalting efficiency and rules of high-salinity, high-hardness wastewater from coking plant by home-made electrodialysis device was investigated. Firstly, the high-salinity, high-hardness wastewater was softened to prevent membrane module from fouling. Secondly, the breakdown voltage of the softened wastewater was determined. Finally, the influences of running time, voltage, flow rate of wastewater in the dilute compartment and the cathode and anode compartments on desalting efficiency were studied in detail. The results showed that desalting efficiency was decreased with time, improved with the increase of voltage, enhanced with the decrease of the flow rate of wastewater in the dilute compartment and with the increase of the flow rate of sewage in the cathode and anode compartments. When the voltage was set at 2.8 V, flow rate of wastewater in the middle chamber and the cathode and anode compartments were set at 78 mL·h-1 and 42 mL·h-1 respectively, the desalting efficiency were 6.7% for 30 min running time and 6.4% for 60 min running time, respectively.

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Articles by authors
Xin Shiji
Liu Yong
Cao Wenbin
Yin Shengkui
Yin Qiuxiang
Hao Hongxun
Keywordsmembranes;   waste water;   desalination     
Received 2015-07-15;
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Xin Shiji, Liu Yong, Cao Wenbin, Yin Shengkui, Yin Qiuxiang, Hao Hongxun.Study on the Electrodialysis Rules of Inorganic High-Salinity Wastewater[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2017,V34(6): 38-42
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