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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2017, Vol. 34 Issue (6) :31-37,94    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20161077
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Performance Optimization of High Temperature Resistant Sea Water Based PAM Fracturing Fluid
Yuan Cheng, Guo Ruiwei, Chen Xing, Zhang Jianhua
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

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A high temperature resistant sea water based fracturing fluid with a kind of acrylamide, acrylic acid and 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid (AMPS) terpolymer as thickening agent and zirconium lactate as crosslinking agent was prepared. The effects of PSAM structure (molecular weight, degree of hydrolysis, AMPS content), reactants concentration and blending ratio on gel formation, the temperature resistance and shear resistance performance were investigated. The influences of Ca2+ concentration and AMPS content on crosslinking dynamics were studied by investigating the variation of gel storage modulus (G') over time at different conditions. The results show that the polymer gel reach the optimal temperature resistance and shear resistance performance when the ratio of carboxylic group in thickening agent to Zirconium in crosslinking agent equals 1[n(-COOH)/n(Zr4+)=1]. Viscosity was maintained at over 150 mPa·s after the crosslinked polymer gel was sheared at 170 s-1 for 120 min at 150℃; The study of crosslinking dynamics show that the crosslinking rate accelerates and the strength of the gel strengthens with the Ca2+ concentration increases. It takes longer time for the crosslinking reaction reaches an equilibrium when the PSAM sample contains high AMPS content.

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Yuan Cheng
Guo Ruiwei
Chen Xing
Zhang Jianhua
KeywordsPAM thickening agent;   sea water based;   high temperature resistant;   fracturing fluid;   crosslinking dynamics     
Received 2016-04-21;
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Yuan Cheng, Guo Ruiwei, Chen Xing, Zhang Jianhua.Performance Optimization of High Temperature Resistant Sea Water Based PAM Fracturing Fluid[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2017,V34(6): 31-37,94
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