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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2016, Vol. 33 Issue (1) :51-56    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20131188
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Synthesis of Geranyl Acetone from Myrcene
Sun Meihuan, Qi Xin, Tang Xiangyang, Zhao Wentao
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

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Geranyl acetone has been synthesized by ethyl acetoacetate via substitution reaction and ketonic cleavage with geranyl chloride and its isomers,which were obtained by myrcene with the electrophilic addition of hydrogen chloride. The addition reaction of myrcene have a decisive influence on the synthesis of geranyl acetone, is a critical step in the reaction process. We mainly studied the influence of the catalyst type, catalyst dosage, reaction temperature, the ratio of reaction material on the addition reaction. The optimal reaction conditions were: using CuCl and tetrabutylammonium bromide as catalysts with a mole fraction of 1% base on myrcene, the reaction temperature was 10 ℃ and the n(myrcene):n(hydrogen chloride)=1:1. Under the optimal reaction conditions, the yield of the chloride reached 92.86%, and the percentage of geranyl chloride and nerlyl chloride were 75.71%. Geranyl acetone was preprared by the substitution reaction of the chloride and subsequent hydrolysis decarboxylation reaction with a yield of 76.62%.

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Articles by authors
Sun Meihuan
Qi Xin
Tang Xiangyang
Zhao Wentao
Keywordsmyrcene;   addition reaction;   synthesis;   geranyl acetone     
Received 2013-10-15;
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Sun Meihuan, Qi Xin, Tang Xiangyang, Zhao Wentao.Synthesis of Geranyl Acetone from Myrcene[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2016,V33(1): 51-56
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