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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2016, Vol. 33 Issue (1) :57-60    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20141130
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Synthsis of Tiotropium Bromide
Jin Fengmin1, Zhang Jing2
1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;
2. Renai College of Tianjin University, Tianjin 301636, China

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Tiotropium bromide was prepared from TB-1 and bromomethane. The effects of reaction time, temperature and molar ratio of the material on the reaction were studied. The experimental result showed that the optimum condition were: reaction time was 5 h, reaction temperature was 21—25 ℃, molar ratio of bromomethane to TB-1 was 3:1. The product was white solid with melting point of 218.0—219.3 ℃, the yield of product was up to 95%. MS and NMR were used to characterize the structure of product.

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Jin Fengmin
Zhang Jing
Keywordstiotropium bromide;   bromomethane;   synthesis     
Received 2014-11-30;
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Jin Fengmin, Zhang Jing.Synthsis of Tiotropium Bromide[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2016,V33(1): 57-60
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