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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2014, Vol. 31 Issue (5) :70-73    DOI: doi: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.2014.05.013
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Influence of Coating Composition of Paperboard on Electron Beam Curing and Vacuum Aluminizing Process
YU  Zhen-Hua,1 ZHAN  Jian-Bo1, ZHENG  Di-Sheng2, LI  Geng1, BU  Ning3, LI  Jian3, HU  Xin-Yang3, XUE  Shou-Cheng2
(1Hongyunhonghe Tobacco (Group) Co. Ltd., Kunming 650202,China; 2Boyuan Technology Materials(Yan Tai)Co. Ltd., Yantai  264670, China; 3International Paper and Sun Cartoon Board Co. Ltd., Yanzhou 272100, China)

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Abstract The influence of coating composition of paperboard on electron beam curing and vacuum aluminizing process was studied by changing the pigment weight and its composition (the ratio of clay to calcium carbonate). The results show that with the increasing of the coating weight on paperboard, K&N (the parameter for ink absorbency of paper board, which characterizes the openness of the paper coatings) increases, the folding performance are reduced and the coating weight for electron beam curing increases. The pre-coated weight of electron beam curing coating was also depended on the ratio of clay to calcium carbonate. With decreasing the clay content and increasing the calcium carbonate content, the openness of the coatings was increased and the coating gloss was reduced.
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YU Zhen-Hua
ZHAN Jian-Bo
ZHENG Di-Sheng
LI Geng
BU Ning
LI Jian
HU Xin-Yang
XUE Shou-Cheng
Keywordselectron beam curing;   vacuum aluminizing   paperboard   pigment     
Received 2014-05-20;
Corresponding Authors: 余振华,E-mail:16929268@qq.com。     Email: 16929268@qq.com
About author: 余振华(1973-),男,工程师,主要从事卷烟产品开发与烟用材料应用研究。
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YU Zhen-Hua, ZHAN Jian-Bo, ZHENG Di-Sheng, LI Geng, BU Ning, LI Jian, HU Xin-Yang, XUE Shou-Cheng.Influence of Coating Composition of Paperboard on Electron Beam Curing and Vacuum Aluminizing Process[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2014,V31(5): 70-73
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