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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2013, Vol. 30 Issue (6) :37-42    DOI:
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Progress in Technology of Reactive Dividing-Wall Column
 ZHU  Huai-Gong1, ZHANG  Rong-Pu2, MA  He-Xu1, QI  Xiang-Juan1, ZUO  Shao-Qing1, WANG  Yan1
(1.School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072, China; 2.Shengli Demonstration Shale Oil Plant, Fushun Mining Group Co. Ltd, Liaoning 113001, China )

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Abstract As a combination of the dividing-wall column (DWC) and conventional reactive-distillation column, the reactive dividing-wall column (RDWC ) is a highly coupled and complex technology, in which the reaction and separation can occur at the same time. The characters of RDWC are introduced, and especially its applications abroad as well as the optimization and controllability are reviewed. In addition, the developing situation in China is overviewed. Finally it can be proposed that the technology will have great development prospect and more applicable value in energy saving and emission reduction.
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ZHU Huai-Gong-1
ZHANG Rong-Pu-2
MA He-Xu-1
QI Xiang-Juan-1
ZUO Shao-Qing-1
Keywordsdividing-wall column (DWC)   reactive dividing-wall column (RDWC)   reactive-distillation   energy savings     
Received 2012-05-24;


Corresponding Authors: 王燕,电话:(022)27890670,E-mail: joywy@126.com。     Email: joywy@126.com
About author: 朱怀工(1972-),男,博士,现从事传质过程强化及精馏设备的优化设计方面的研究。
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ZHU Huai-Gong1, ZHANG Rong-Pu2, MA He-Xu1, QI Xiang-Juan1, ZUO Shao-Qing1, WANG Yan1.Progress in Technology of Reactive Dividing-Wall Column[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2013,V30(6): 37-42
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