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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2013, Vol. 30 Issue (6) :32-36    DOI:
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Extracting Acetic Acid from Bio-Oil Using TOA
LYU Dong-Can , LIU  Yun-Quan, WANG  Duo
(School of Energy Research, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China)

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Abstract Complexation extraction with trioctylamine (TOA) as solvent for the recovery of acetic acid from bio-oil was studied. The effects of TOA concentration, iso-octyl alcohol concentration, volume ratio of extractant/distillate and temperature on extraction efficiency were examined. Experimental results indicated that the extraction efficiency was the highest with 40% TOA+40% iso-octyl alcohol+20% kerosene and 3∶1 volume ratio of extractant/distillate at the temperature of 0 ℃. And an extraction efficiency of 74.6% for acetic acid was achieved in a single-equilibrium-stage extraction under this optimal condition.
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LIU Yun-Quan
KeywordsTOA   bio-oil   acetic acid   reactive extraction     
Received 2013-02-27;


Corresponding Authors: 刘运权,电话:(0592)5952780,E-mail:yq_liu@xmu.edu.cn。      Email: yq_liu@xmu.edu.cn
About author: 吕东灿(1988-),女,博士研究生,现从事生物油精制与产品分离研究。
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LYU Dong-Can , LIU Yun-Quan, WANG Duo.Extracting Acetic Acid from Bio-Oil Using TOA[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2013,V30(6): 32-36
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