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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2012, Vol. 29 Issue (01) :17-20    DOI:
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Preparation of Cyclopentanol By Direct Hydration of Cyclopentene(Ⅱ):Optimization of the Reaction
 YANG  Xiao-Hui, SONG  Jian, WU  Jie, FENG  Rong-Xiu
(School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)

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Abstract The preparation of cyclopentanol by direct hydration of cyclopentene was studied with strong  acidic cation Amberlyst36 as catalyst and 1-butanol as solvent.The influences of reaction temperature,reaction time,cocatalyst type,the molar ratio of H2O to cyclopentene and dosage of catalyst were studied.The optimum reaction conditions were obtained:molar ratio of H2O to cyclopentene was 1∶4,dosage of catalyst was 9% of the total mass,reaction temperature 150 ℃,reaction time 2 h,the conversion of cyclopentene was 12.42%,and the selectivity to cyclopentanol was 95.78%.And in this condition the stability of the catalyst was investigated.The results showed that the catalyst was stable.
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YANG Xiao-Hui
WU Jie
FENG Rong-Xiu
Keywordscyclopentene   strong acidic cation exchange resin   cyclopentanol   hydration   stablility     
Received 2011-09-06;
About author: 杨晓辉(1984-),男,山东烟台人,从事有机中间体合成研究。
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YANG Xiao-Hui, SONG Jian, WU Jie, FENG Rong-Xiu.Preparation of Cyclopentanol By Direct Hydration of Cyclopentene(Ⅱ):Optimization of the Reaction[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2012,V29(01): 17-20
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