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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2011, Vol. 28 Issue (6) :43-46    DOI:
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Kinetics Analysis of Batch Fermentation on ε-Polylysine Production by ��Streptomyces Albulus
ZHONG   Cheng1,2, LI  Wen-Jie2, JIA  Shi-Ru1,2, FAN  Bao-Qing1,2, WANG  Guo-Liang1,2, ZHENG  Zhu-Lin2
1. Key Laboratory of Industrial Fermentation Microbiology of MOE, Tianjin University of Science &Technology��2. College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science &Technology

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Abstract Kinetics analysis is one of the key points for fermentation process optimization and control. Using sigmoid model, batch fermentation of  ε-polylysine by ��Streptomyces albulus�� was kinetically simulated to obtain kinetic equation including substrate consumption, biomass growth and production accumulation. Simulation results matched well with the experimental ones, which could provide theoretic foundations for batch and fed��batch fermentation of  ε-polylysine production.
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LI Wen-Jie
JIA Shi-Ru
FAN Bao-Qing
WANG Guo-Liang
Keywords�� Streptomyces albulus   ε-polylysine   kinetic analysis   Sigmoid model     

���Ƽ���ѧʵ���ҿ��Ż�����Ŀ��1004A105���� ���Ƽ���ѧ�����˲Ż�����Ŀ(20100413)��

About author: �� �ɣ�1979-�����У���ʿ�������ڣ��о��������ﷴӦ���̡�
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ZHONG Cheng, LI Wen-Jie, JIA Shi-Ru, FAN Bao-Qing, WANG Guo-Liang, ZHENG Zhu-Lin.Kinetics Analysis of Batch Fermentation on ε-Polylysine Production by ��Streptomyces Albulus[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2011,V28(6): 43-46
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