Abstract Thermodynamical model of methanation of synthesis gas at isothermal condition and adiabatic condition were established based on thermodynamical analysis. CO methanation reaction, water shift reaction and CO disproportionation reaction were selected as the independent reactions, CO, CH4 and H��2O as the key components. Outlet gas composition, CO conversion rate and CH4 selectivity can be calculated based on the model at isothermal condition. Outlet temperature, outlet gas composition, CO conversion rate and CH4 selectivity can also be calculated based on the model at adiabatic condition. The outlet temperature, CO conversion rate and CH4 selectivity were compared at different inlet temperature and pressure at adiabatic.
About author: ����1979-�����У��ӱ������ˣ���ʿ��������ʦ���ִ���ú����Ȼ����ؼ����з����Ż�������
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ZUO Yu-Bang, LIU Yong-Jian, LI Jiang-Tao, LI Chun-Qi, XIN Shi-He.Thermodynamic Analysis for Methanation of ��Synthesis Gas to Substitute Natural Gas[J] Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2011,V28(6): 47-53