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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1996, Vol. 13 Issue (3) :11-14    DOI:
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The Adsoption property of Encapsulated Enzymic Starch Dialdehyde
Zhang Xiaodong;Long Shinong; Liu Jinglin; Yu Jiugao

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Abstract Adsorption property of an enteric coated preparation of encapsulated enzymic starch dialdehyde in urea solution was studied. The effects of urea concentration ,pH of the solution and the amount of adsorbent used were assessed.Results showed that the adsorbing rate of encapsulated enzymic starch dialdehyde far exceeded that of encapsulated oxystarch.. The volume adsorbed by the former was about 4 times of that by the latter. The capacity of urea adsorption from the solution decreases rapidly as the pH of the solution lowers to 4 or less.
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Keywordss:encapsulated enzymic starch dialdehyde; encapsulated oxystarch;adsorbent     
Received 1996-07-15;
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Zhang Xiaodong;Long Shinong; Liu Jinglin; Yu Jiugao.The Adsoption property of Encapsulated Enzymic Starch Dialdehyde[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1996,V13(3): 11-14
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