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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1997, Vol. 14 Issue (4) :3-6    DOI:
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Preparation and Characterization of Rainbow Titania-Mica Pearlescent Pigment
Chen Xiuzeng Hou Wenxiang Tan Junru Li Jinsheng

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Abstract In this paper,the preparation method of rainbow titania-mica pearlescent pigment is discussed. The colour of pigment is characterizated by means of energy spectrum, reflectivity, chrominance value, coating rate and specific surface. The relationship between optical thickness and rainbow effect, optical properties and law of periodic progressively change are also discussed.
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Keywordstitania-mica rainbow effect interference coating     
Received 1997-10-15;
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Chen Xiuzeng Hou Wenxiang Tan Junru Li Jinsheng .Preparation and Characterization of Rainbow Titania-Mica Pearlescent Pigment[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1997,V14(4): 3-6
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