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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1999, Vol. 16 Issue (1) :51-55    DOI:
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Study on One step Method of Ammoxidating p Xylenein Liquid Phase to Prepare p Tolunitrile under Atmospheric Pressure
Chen Weidong Chai Chengjing Li Jingliang

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Abstract The feasibility to prepare p tolanitrile through ammoxidation of p xylene in liquid phase was studied,the main factors which affect this reaction were analyzed,the mechanism and technological condition of the reaction were also studied.
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Keywords�� p xylene    Ammoxidation in liquid phase   p tolunitrile     
Received 1999-01-15;
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Chen Weidong Chai Chengjing Li Jingliang .Study on One step Method of Ammoxidating p Xylenein Liquid Phase to Prepare p Tolunitrile under Atmospheric Pressure[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1999,V16(1): 51-55
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