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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1999, Vol. 16 Issue (1) :46-50    DOI:
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Chemical Degradation of Polyacrylamide at Low Temperature in Aqueous Solution
Gao Jianping Yu Jiugao Lin Tong Yuan Shaojun

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Abstract The accelerated low temperature degradation and molecular control of polyamide were studied.In aqueous solution,the molecular weight of PAM decreased obviously under the action of some peroxides.The properties and concentration of the peroxides,the degradation time and temperature are significantly effected the rate of degradation and the end molecular weight of PAM.The effect of hydrolysis of PAM on the viscosity of PAM solution was also investigated.The results showed that the hydrolysis of PAM was slight in our research scope,and decrease of the viscosity caused by hydrolysis can be neglected.
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Keywords�� polyacrylamide   chemical degradation   hydrolysis   rotation viscosity     
Received 1999-01-15;
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Gao Jianping Yu Jiugao Lin Tong Yuan Shaojun .Chemical Degradation of Polyacrylamide at Low Temperature in Aqueous Solution[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1999,V16(1): 46-50
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