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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1993, Vol. 10 Issue (3) :19-23    DOI:
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Phosphorylation of ����Aryl���¡�Nitroethyl Phosphonates
Li Yugui Wang Guohong Zhu Xuefeng
(Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry,Nankai University,300071

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Abstract Several new bisphosphorylation(phosphonylation) compounds have been prepared by phosphorylation of ��-aryl-��-nitroethylphosphonates under the lower tempera-ture,weaker base condition and in the presence of DMAP.The catalytic mecha-nism of DMAP have been studied in detail.All new compounds have been chara-cterized by IR and HNMR,some of them were also confirmed by mass spectrum or elemental analysis.
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Keywords�� phosphonates;;phosphorylation;;DMAP     
Received 1993-07-15; published 1993-07-15
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Li Yugui Wang Guohong Zhu Xuefeng .Phosphorylation of ����Aryl���¡�Nitroethyl Phosphonates[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1993,V10(3): 19-23
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