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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2002, Vol. 19 Issue (2) :201-205    DOI:
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Progress of the Synthesis of TAME by Etherification Reaction of Ampleness
JIN Hai-bo, XIAO Fang-rong, JIAO Yu-hai, YANG Cun-yu, TONG Ze-min (Department of chemical Engineering,Institute of Petrochemical Technology,Beijing 102600,China)
(Department of chemical Engineering,Institute of Petrochemical Technology,Beijing 102600,China

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Abstract Tertiary amyl methyl ethers (TAME) were used as octane-enhancing components in gasoline.The technology and development of etherification of ampleness and the kinetics of synthesis of TAME were introduced in this paper. Furthermore,the investigation for reaction kinetics of TAME in future were proposed.
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Received 2002-03-15; published 2002-03-15
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JIN Hai-bo, XIAO Fang-rong, JIAO Yu-hai, YANG Cun-yu, TONG Ze-min .Progress of the Synthesis of TAME by Etherification Reaction of Ampleness[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2002,V19(2): 201-205
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