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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2002, Vol. 19 Issue (2) :147-151    DOI:
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The Effect of Halide Anions on the Activation of Al-Alloys Anode
LI Zhen-ya, YI Ling, LIU Zhi-hui, YANG Lin, SU Jing-xin, CHEN Yan-ying (1.School of Chimical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072,China; 2.University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)
(1.School of Chimical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072,China; 2.University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

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Abstract The major reason for Al-anode's activation is that Ga and Sn can deposit on the aluminum surface and form activated points. At the same time, the adsorption and penetration of anions such as Cl -1 ,Br -1 ,I -1 in oxide film can promote the anodic dissolution of Al-anode. Alloy elements in the Al-anode and anions in the solution can change the potential of zero charge of Al-anode. This effects the deposition of alloy elements, thus influenceson on the activation of Al alloy anode.
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Received 2002-03-15; published 2002-03-15
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LI Zhen-ya, YI Ling, LIU Zhi-hui, YANG Lin, SU Jing-xin, CHEN Yan-ying .The Effect of Halide Anions on the Activation of Al-Alloys Anode[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2002,V19(2): 147-151
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