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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2007, Vol. 24 Issue (6) :489-492    DOI:
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Influence of Magnetic Field on the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of n-Butanol-Water System
LIU Yong,CUI Guo-gang,JIA Liang,JIA Shao-yi(School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China)
(School of Chemical Engineering and Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China

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Abstract In order to investigate the influence of magnetic field on the vapor-liquid equilibrium of binary azeotrope,the vapor-liquid equilibrium of n-butanol-water system was studied under magnetic field with different magnetic induction intensity.The results show that the magnetic field has influence on the vapor-liquid equilibrium of n-butanol-water system and the influence is positive effect,the magnetic field is helpful for the rectification process of n-butanol-water system.The vapor-liquid equilibrium data of n-butanol-water system was correlated by NRTL model and the parameter of NRTL model under different magnetic induction intensity was obtained.Thermodynamic consistency test was made and showed the experimental data was reliable.
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Received 2007-11-15; published 2007-11-15
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LIU Yong,CUI Guo-gang,JIA Liang,JIA Shao-yi.Influence of Magnetic Field on the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of n-Butanol-Water System[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2007,V24(6): 489-492
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