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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2023, Vol. 40 Issue (6) :89-95    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20220359
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The physicochemical properties of binary mixture of ether functionalized ionic liquid [C22O1IM][NTf2]+formamide (FA)/dimethylformamide (DMF)
YANG Jialin, DU Yanping, LIU Bin, CHANG Wei, HOU Haiyun, WANG Ning, XIE Peijing, YANG Simeng
School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an Key Laboratory of Textile Chemical Engineering Auxiliaries, Xi'an 710048, China

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Abstract 1-(2-methoxyethyl)-3-ethyl imidazole bis (trifluoromethyl) sulfonyl imide salt ([C22O1IM][NTf2]) as ether functional ionic liquid has many excellent characteristics such as good thermal stability, low viscosity and high conductivity. In this work, the binary mixture of ([C22O1IM][NTf2])+formamide (FA), dimethylformamide (DMF) was studied. The density ρ, sound velocity u and viscosity η of the binary mixture in the whole composition range were measured at the temperature range of 15—50 ℃ and atmospheric pressure. According to the experimental data, excess molar volume VEm, isentropic compression coefficient deviation Δκs and viscosity deviation Δη of the system were calculated. The results can be explained by intermolecular interactions in these mixtures.
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YANG Jialin
DU Yanping
HOU Haiyun
XIE Peijing
YANG Simeng
Keywordsether-functionalized ionic liquid   binary mixture   physicochemical properties     
Received 2022-07-23;
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YANG Jialin, DU Yanping, LIU Bin, CHANG Wei, HOU Haiyun, WANG Ning, XIE Peijing, YANG Simeng.The physicochemical properties of binary mixture of ether functionalized ionic liquid [C22O1IM][NTf2]+formamide (FA)/dimethylformamide (DMF)[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2023,V40(6): 89-95
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