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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2022, Vol. 39 Issue (3) :107-116    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20210313
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Crystal morphology of ε-CL-20 in binary solvents: Molecular dynamics study
ZHAO Yanpeng, WEI Hongyuan, DANG Leping
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

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Abstract In this work, the effect of ethyl acetate/dibromomethane binary solvent systems on ε-CL-20 crystal morphology was studied by the molecular dynamics simulative. The solvent-crystal interaction was considered by the modified attachment energy (MAE) model, the modified ε-CL-20 crystal morphologies in ethyl acetate/dibromomethane mixed solvents with different compositions were predicted by molecular dynamics simulation, the simulation morphologies are compared with the experimental results. The results demonstrate that the ε-CL-20 morphology derived from the simulation is well in accordance with that observed in experiments, and the solvent-crystal interaction is positively related to the surface roughness. Moreover, the diffusion coefficients of solvent molecules in different crystal planes were analyzed by mean square displacement (MSD), and the influence of solvent diffusion rate on different crystal planes was studied. The composition of interaction between solvent molecules and crystal molecules was analyzed by radial distribution function (RDF).
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ZHAO Yanpeng
WEI Hongyuan
DANG Leping
Keywordsε-CL-20   molecular dynamics   crystal morphology   energetic material   attachment energy     
Received 2021-03-11;
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ZHAO Yanpeng, WEI Hongyuan, DANG Leping.Crystal morphology of ε-CL-20 in binary solvents: Molecular dynamics study[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2022,V39(3): 107-116
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