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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2020, Vol. 37 Issue (5) :31-36    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20200302
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Effect of Halogenation on the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Guanidine Acetate
Li Huina1, Pei Tiezhu1, Wang Qi2, Xie Chuang1,3
1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;
2. Yellow River Delta Chambroad Chemical Industry Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shandong Binzhou 256500, China;
3. National Collaborative Innovation Centre of Chemical Science and Engineering(Tianjin), Tianjin 300072, China

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Abstract Halogenated guanidium acetate (GXA)-based non-linear optical (NLO) crystals are promising in the application of NLO field. But the research on this series of NLO crystals remains non-systematic. In this work, a series of tri-halogenated (trifluoro-, trichloro-, and tribromo-) and chlorinated guanidine acetate (GAc) systems were investigated. The structure, NLO properties and structure-activity relationship of this series of GXAs were studied by quantum chemical calculation. The possible mechanism of the halogenation effect was discussed. The results show that halogenated atoms significantly affect the molecular conformation of GXA. They also originally change the supramolecular packing by participating in strong hydrogen bonding interactions in different modes. Halogenation adjusts the energy gap (Egap) of GXA by affecting their molecular LUMO. The average dipole moment (μtotal) and average polarizability <α> of GXA increase with both increasing number of halogen atoms and enlarging halogen atoms. The hyperpolarizability properties generally decreases relative to GAc, but the effects are complex. The average first hyperpolarizability (βtotal) decreases as the number of halogen atoms increases, while the average second hyperpolarizability (<γ>) raises with enlarging halogen atoms. In addition, no significant correlation among Egap and μtotal and <γ> was found.
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Articles by authors
Li Huina
Pei Tiezhu
Wang Qi
Xie Chuang
Keywordsnonlinear optical crystal;   halogenation effect;   guanidine acetate;   quantum chemical calculation     
Received 2020-03-01;
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Li Huina, Pei Tiezhu, Wang Qi, Xie Chuang.Effect of Halogenation on the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Guanidine Acetate[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2020,V37(5): 31-36
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