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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2020, Vol. 37 Issue (4) :58-65    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20191916
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Application of an Improved Genetic Algorithm in the Design of Batch Chemical Process
Wei Liangxiao, Zhang Ting, Dang Leping, Hao Lin
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

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Abstract Optimizing management and design of production process is a top priority for all chemical factories to remain competitive in the global market. This paper proposed a model to reduce investment and improve equipment utilization of single product batch process. This model is implemented by combining genetic algorithm (GA) and heuristic method. Compared to general heuristic method, this model has a larger search space and higher precision, which makes it more suitable for solving complex problems. The self-optimization mechanism and punishment operation have been introduced to modify the inferior gene in the population in time, making the population survive smoothly. It is shown that the model has a better performance in terms of calculation results, convergence rate and calculation speed.
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Wei Liangxiao
Zhang Ting
Dang Leping
Hao Lin
Keywordsbatch process;   genetic algorithm;   equipment investment;   equipment utilization     
Received 2019-10-10;
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Wei Liangxiao, Zhang Ting, Dang Leping, Hao Lin.Application of an Improved Genetic Algorithm in the Design of Batch Chemical Process[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2020,V37(4): 58-65
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