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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2017, Vol. 34 Issue (6) :70-74    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.20161029
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Determination of Solubility and Mass Transfer Coefficient of Ethylene in Slurry Polymerization System
Sun Hongliang, Si Rongshuang, Li Guobing
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

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The mass transfer process of polymerization of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene(PE) using slurry polymerization was studied. The effects of pressure and temperature on gas solubility, stirring rate and polyethylene particles on mass transfer coefficient KL were investigated. Experiment results show that the vapor-liquid equilibrium relationship of system ethylene-hexane conforms to Henry's law and the solubility of ethylene increase linearly with the increase of ethylene pressure in the gas phase. The solubility of ethylene in hexane decreases with increasing temperature. The corresponding transfer coefficient increases linearly with stirring rate. The presence of polyethylene particles could decrease the absorption rate of ethylene and the relationship between PE quality and mass transfer coefficient is almost in an inverse proportion.

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Sun Hongliang
Si Rongshuang
Li Guobing
Keywordsultra high molecular weight polyethylene;   slurry polymerization;   mass transfer;   absorption rate     
Received 2016-03-16;
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Sun Hongliang, Si Rongshuang, Li Guobing.Determination of Solubility and Mass Transfer Coefficient of Ethylene in Slurry Polymerization System[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2017,V34(6): 70-74
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