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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2015, Vol. 32 Issue (5) :20-28    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.2015.05.003
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Review of Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Technologies Based on Resource Recovery and Energy Utilization
Feng Yujie, Zhang Zhaohan, Yu Yanling, He Weihua, Liu Jia, Qu Youpeng
State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China

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On the background of global sustainable development, traditional wastewater treatment mode reveals its shortcomings due to lack of considering the resource and energy recovery from wastewater. Sustainable wastewater treatment technologies, taken wastewater as carriers of resource and energy, have been paid close attention. Starting from the existing problems of present wastewater treatment technology and focusing on the concepts of resource recovery and energy utilization, this paper discussed the methane production in anaerobic digestion process, hydrogen production in anaerobic fermentation, new mode for water treatment based on biological electrochemical mechanism, combined treatment technology of wastewater and flue gases based on micro algae in order to treat wastewater with carbon resource recovery. Nitrogen resource treatment technologies with low energy consumption (such as shortcut nitrification-denitrification, ANAMMOX and SND), phosphorus resource recovery technologies (such as P-RoC, MBR, REM-NUT and nano-technology), and deep treatment technologies for water reuse were also discussed. The latest research processes were also summarized. The research and development orientation of sustainable treatment technology for urban wastewater was proposed.

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Articles by authors
Feng Yujie
Zhang Zhaohan
Yu Yanling
He Weihua
Liu Jia
Qu Youpeng
Keywordsresource recovery;   energy utilization;   low energy consumption;   sustainable wastewater treatment technology;   phosphorus recovery     
Received 2015-06-10;
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Feng Yujie, Zhang Zhaohan, Yu Yanling, He Weihua, Liu Jia, Qu Youpeng.Review of Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Technologies Based on Resource Recovery and Energy Utilization[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2015,V32(5): 20-28
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