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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2015, Vol. 32 Issue (5) :1-7    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.2015.05.001
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Research and Industrial Application of the High Efficiency Flow-Guided Sieve Tray
Li Qunsheng, Guo Fan, Zhang Wulong, Cui Qiao
School of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China

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The research and developing principles of the high efficiency flow-guided sieve tray are introduced in this paper, the structure and characteristics of this new tray as well as some application examples in industry are also narrated. The application results showed that the high efficiency flow-guided sieve tray had advantages such as large production capacity, high separation efficiency, low tower pressure, anti-blocking, low cost, and convenient in dissembling and installation. The new tray is perfectly applied to the modern production requirements, and it has wide market prospects. A lot of profits have been achieved through the applications.

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Articles by authors
Li Qunsheng
Guo Fan
Zhang Wulong
Cui Qiao
Keywordshigh efficiency flow guided sieve tray;   distillation;   absorption;   industrial application     
Received 2015-07-01;
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Li Qunsheng, Guo Fan, Zhang Wulong, Cui Qiao.Research and Industrial Application of the High Efficiency Flow-Guided Sieve Tray[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2015,V32(5): 1-7
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