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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2015, Vol. 32 Issue (1) :48-53    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.2015.01.010
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Experiment and Optimal Simulation of United Distillation Process for Separation of Tetrahydrofuran-Water Azeotrope
Zhao Luyang, Cai Wangfeng, Zhang Xubin
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

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Abstract Mixture of tetrahydrofuran and water can form a minimum boiling azeotrope, which has a boiling point of 64 ℃, and it was separated by a united distillation process with three columns in this study. Ethylene glycol was selected as the extractant in extractive distillation on the basis of reported literatures, and the product from extractive distillation column was dehydrated in dehydrating column. Technical process was simulated by Aspen Plus. Processing parameters of single column such as feed stage and mass reflux ratio were simulated, optimized and determined using Wilson model and RadFrac module. The parameters studied by experiment were all in accordance with results from simulation. Product of tetrahydrofuran obtained from dehydrating column achieved water content as low as 170 μg/g. Adopting optimized parameters; the whole process was simulated in Aspen Plus. The product could achieve a purity of 0.9995, with a yield of 0.9988. The purity is better than those achieved by common extractive distillation process with two columns.
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KeywordsAspen Plus;   tetrahydrofuran;   azeotrope;   extractive distillation;   ethylene glycol     
Received 2013-04-10;
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Zhao Luyang, Cai Wangfeng, Zhang Xubin.Experiment and Optimal Simulation of United Distillation Process for Separation of Tetrahydrofuran-Water Azeotrope[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2015,V32(1): 48-53
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