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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2014, Vol. 31 Issue (5) :43-48    DOI: doi: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.2014.05.008
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Property and Mechanism of Electricity Production on Lactic Acid Bacteria Microbial Fuel Cells
 YANG  Jing-Na, SUN  Yu-Di, GUAN  Yi
(School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)

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Abstract The dual-chamber microbial fuel cell (MFC) used lactic acid bacteria for the electricity production microorganisms and adopted glucose as the only electron donor. The property and mechanism of electricity production were also investigated on lactic acid bacteria microbial fuel cells. When the concentration of the substrate was 1.5 g/L at 30 ℃, the opencircuit voltage of the MFC kept at 500 mV. Under the experimental conditions, the maximum power density reached 393.23 mW/m2 and the internal resistance was about 500 Ω on the MFC. The change of the metabolites contents in the lactic acid bacteria MFC electricity production process was analyzed by the gas chromatography. The results indicated that both the normal metabolic pathways which was not involved in the production of electricity and the electricity production process, were related to homolactic fermention, the classical pathway of heterolactic fermentation and bifidobacterium fermentation. After adding ethanol in the process of the electricity production for lactic acid bacteria MFC, the results showed that ethanol was not conducive to the electricity production. This indicated that the key metabolic pathway in lactic acid bacteria producing electricity process was heterolactic fermentation.
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YANG Jing-Na
Keywordsmicrobial fuel cell;   lactic acid bacteria   power density   lactic acid fermentation     
Received 2013-04-17;


Corresponding Authors: 关毅,电话(022)27890893,E-mail: guanyi36@gmail.com。      Email: guanyi36@gmail.com
About author: 杨静娜(1986-),女,硕士研究生,现从事微生物燃料电池方向的研究。
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YANG Jing-Na, SUN Yu-Di, GUAN Yi.Property and Mechanism of Electricity Production on Lactic Acid Bacteria Microbial Fuel Cells[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2014,V31(5): 43-48
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