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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2014, Vol. 31 Issue (3) :67-71    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.2014.03.011
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Properties of PWA-13X-CS Proton Exchange Membranes
 WU  Yan-Hui, YAN  Dan-Dan, ZHANG  Hui-Min
(Department of Chemistry,Tongji University,Shanghai200092,China)

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Abstract PWA-13X-CS composite proton exchange membranes are prepared with chitosan(CS) and phosphotungstic acid(PWA) supported on molecular sieves 13X. The composite membrane structure is analyzed with SEM. Water uptake, swelling degree, proton conductivity and methanol permeability of the composite membrane are measured. The results show that PWA-13X-CS composite membrane has low swelling degree, which means it has good mechanical stability. And the proton conductivity is higher than the plain chitosan membrane and it increases with the increasing temperature. The proton conducting activation energy of PWA-13X-CS composite membrane is lower than that of the plain membrane. The methanol permeability of the composite membranes is lower than that of Nafion 117. Comparing with PI and PVA composite membrane that has the same content of 13X supported PWA, PWA-13X-CS composite membrane has better overall performance and shows better application potential in direct methanol fuel cell.
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WU Yan-Hui
YAN Dan-Dan
Keywordschitosan   composite membrane;   pronton conductivity;   DMFC     
Received 2014-03-01;
Corresponding Authors: 伍艳辉,E-mail:wuyanhui@tongji.edu.cn。     Email: wuyanhui@tongji.edu.cn
About author: 伍艳辉(1972- ),女,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为膜分离和催化反应等。
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WU Yan-Hui, YAN Dan-Dan, ZHANG Hui-Min.Properties of PWA-13X-CS Proton Exchange Membranes[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2014,V31(3): 67-71
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