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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2014, Vol. 31 Issue (3) :34-38    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.2014.03.005
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Preparation of Nitrogen-Enriched Porous Carbon Fibers as Supercapacitor Electrode Materials
 LI  Ying1, 2 , ZHANG  Shou-Chun1, Lv Chun-Xiang1
(1National Engineering Laboratory for Carbon Fiber Technology, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan 030001, China; 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)

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Abstract Meso-/macroporous polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers with well-developed three-dimensional network were fabricated using PAN as precursor. After the stabilization of PAN fibers by hydrazine hydrate and hydroxylamine hydrochloride, nitrogen atoms were introduced and nitrogenenriched porous carbon fibers were obtained. The morphology, porous structure and electrochemical property of nitrogen-enriched porous carbon fibers were characterized. The results indicated that the atomic contents of the N and O heteroatoms within the nitrogen-enriched porous carbon fibers were 13.53% and 8.01%, respectively. The maximal specific capacitance of 222 F/g and the high specific surface capacitance of 0.8 F/m2 were achieved at the current density of 0.1 A/g.
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LI Ying-1
ZHANG Shou-Chun-1
Keywordsnitrogen-enriched carbon;   meso-/macropores;   supercapacitor     
Received 2014-03-31;
Corresponding Authors: 张寿春, E-mail:zschun@sxicc.ac.cn。     Email: zschun@sxicc.ac.cn
About author: 李莹(1987-),女,博士研究生,现从事碳材料的定向合成及其电化学性能的研究。
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LI Ying , ZHANG Shou-Chun, Lv Chun-Xiang.Preparation of Nitrogen-Enriched Porous Carbon Fibers as Supercapacitor Electrode Materials[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2014,V31(3): 34-38
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