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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2014, Vol. 31 Issue (1) :43-47    DOI: 10.13353/j.issn.1004.9533.2014.01.009
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A Method for Measuring Concentration Field in the Cyclone with Two-Beam Gamma Ray
 LIU  Xiao-Cheng, SONG  Jian-Fei, YAN  Chao-Yu, CHEN  Jian-Yi, WEI  Yao-Dong
(State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing,University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249,China)

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Abstract A method for measuring the concentration field in the cyclone with two-beam gamma ray has been put forward based on the characteristics of concentration distribution in the cyclone. The model contains the undetermined coefficients (k and ρR), which can be calculated from the only two path average concentrations that are measured by gamma ray device. The model was discussed with previous literature data for its reasonable. Also the experiment was carried out on the diameter 260 mm cyclone for measuring path average concentrations by 137Cs radioactive source. The calculated results was compared with previous literature, the curves are agreement. So the two-beam gammaray method could be used in measuring and monitoring the concentration distribution in the cyclone.
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LIU Xiao-Cheng
SONG Jian-Fei
YAN Chao-Yu
CHEN Jian-Yi
WEI Yao-Dong
Keywordsgamma-ray   cyclone   concentration distribution   measurement method   two-beam     
Received 2013-07-24;


Corresponding Authors: 魏耀东,电话:(010)89733939,E-mail:weiyd@cup.edu.cn。     Email: weiyd@cup.edu.cn
About author: 刘小成(1983-),男,博士研究生,从事多相流实验和分析方面的研究。
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LIU Xiao-Cheng, SONG Jian-Fei, YAN Chao-Yu, CHEN Jian-Yi, WEI Yao-Dong.A Method for Measuring Concentration Field in the Cyclone with Two-Beam Gamma Ray[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2014,V31(1): 43-47
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