Effect of Nonsolvent on the Performance of Cast SPEEK Membranes
ZHANG Li-Juan, ZHAO Shi-Xiong, WANG Yu-Xin
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Membrane Science and Desalination Technology
Abstract For the first time, membrane casting solution of sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK) dispersed in the mixture of solvent dimethyl formamide (DMF) and nonsolvent (tetrachloroethylene or paraxylene) was used to prepare SPEEK electrolyte membranes. The proton conductivity, the water uptake and the water permeability of the membranes were measured and compared with those of membrane cast from SPEEK/DMF solution. The proton conductivity and water permeability were increased by around 30% and 50%, respectively. The introduction of nonsolvent to the casting solution caused aggregation of the SPEEK ionomers, which then affected the structure and performance of the resultant membranes. The improvement of proton conductivity and water permeability are of significance to enhancing the performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.
About author: 张利娟(1987-),女,内蒙古呼和浩特人,现从事燃料电池质子交换膜的研究。
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ZHANG Li-Juan, ZHAO Shi-Xiong, WANG Yu-Xin.Effect of Nonsolvent on the Performance of Cast SPEEK Membranes[J] Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2012,V29(6): 26-29