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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2012, Vol. 29 Issue (3) :73-79    DOI:
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Progress in Desulphurization Performance and Application of Ionic Liquid
 LI  Hong-Hai, LI  Jing, WANG  Wei-Wen, LI  Jian-Long
College of Chemical Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology

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Abstract As a kind of environmentally friendly solvent, ionic liquid has special advantages of absorbing SO2. The technology of ionic liquids desulphurization has shown a progress from fundamental researches to industrial applications. The research on desulphurization and absorbing properties of guanidinebased, imidazoliumbased and alcohol aminebased ionic liquids, by means of experimental and quantum chemistry calculative methods and the applications including ionic liquid circulatory desulphurization technology, ionic liquid polymerization, ionic liquid supporting particles and supporting membrane contactor were summarized in detail. Meanwhile,the progress of the ionic liquid desulfurization technology was analyzed and predicted.
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LI Hong-Hai
LI Jing
WANG Wei-Wen
LI Jian-Long
Keywordsionic liquids   desulphurization   SO2   application     
Received 2011-11-21;
Corresponding Authors: 李红海,电话:(0532)84022752,E-mail: lihonghai@qust.edu.cn。     Email: lihonghai@qust.edu.cn
About author: 李红海(1972-),女,黑龙江牡丹江人,副教授,研究方向为化工传质与分离。
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LI Hong-Hai, LI Jing, WANG Wei-Wen, LI Jian-Long.Progress in Desulphurization Performance and Application of Ionic Liquid[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2012,V29(3): 73-79
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