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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2012, Vol. 29 Issue (01) :52-56    DOI:
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Development and Application of Purifying Device of Surplus Ammonia Water
 CHEN  De-Yun
(CokeOven Plant, Xi Laifeng Coal Chemical Branch Company of ShenHua WuHai Coal Group Corporation Limited, Wuhai 016031, China)

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Abstract The adoption of boardscraping coal tar remover setup for purifying the surplus ammonia water produced during the coking which uses the 4.3 m and 5.3 m stampcharging coke oven has many problems, such as the tar content is high after purification, the flow rate fluctuates, and the pH value is unstable. Therefore the requirements of water purifying process cannot be met. Based on the technological retrofit, through adding a tarammonia water sedimentation separator and automatic control equipment in the purification process of surplus ammonia water, the difficult problems mentioned above can be resolved successfully.
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Keywordssurplus ammonia water   purification   automatic control     
Received 2011-08-23;
About author: 陈德云(1983-),男,四川石柱人,助理工程师,现从事生产技术管理工作。
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CHEN De-Yun.Development and Application of Purifying Device of Surplus Ammonia Water[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2012,V29(01): 52-56
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