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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2012, Vol. 29 Issue (01) :43-47    DOI:
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Simulation and Distribution Performance Analysis of Annular Distributor in Multitubular FixedBed Reactor
 BAI  Lu, ZHANG  Min-Hua, GENG  Zhong-Feng
(R&D Center for Petrochemical Technology, Key Laboratory of Green Synthesis Conversion, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)

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Abstract Annular distributor plays an important role in achieving uniform distribution in the shell of multitubular fixedbed reactor.The static pressure distribution characteristics and the influence of the structure parameters of annular distributor such as inlet number and outlet number on the uniform performance were analyzed based on the calculated fluid dynamic(CFD)method.The simulation results showed that when outlets of the same size were opened,and other structure parameters and import condition kept unchanged,decreasing outlet number in a certain range and increasing inlet number were beneficial to uniform distribution of fluid inside the annular distributor.Moreover,according to the pressure characteristics in annular distributor,the fluid distribution depends on the pressure drop of main channel and the pressure drop of outlets.Based on simulation results,U was defined as the ratio of the pressure drop of outlets to the total pressure drop between inlet and outlet.If  U  was at 0.95—1.06,that means the fluid has been uniformly distributed even outlets of the same size were opened.
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GENG Zhong-Feng
KeywordsCFD simulation   multitubular fixedbed reactor   annular distributor   fluid distribution     
Received 2011-09-21;
About author: 百璐(1988-),女,硕士研究生 河南洛阳人,现从事化工设备内流体流动与传热的仿真模拟的研究。
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BAI Lu, ZHANG Min-Hua, GENG Zhong-Feng.Simulation and Distribution Performance Analysis of Annular Distributor in Multitubular FixedBed Reactor[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2012,V29(01): 43-47
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