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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 2011, Vol. 28 Issue (4) :39-43    DOI:
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Preparation of Epichlorohydrin from Biomass Glycerol
Ou Lan-Ying , LAN  Zhi-Li, YIN  Du-Lin, LI  Shun
Institute of Fine Catalysis and Synthesis, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China

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Abstract Epichlorohydrin was prepared by chlorination and cyclization from biomass glyserol�� When phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, sulfonic acid resin, acetic acid, acetonitrile and adipic acid were used as catalysts respectively, effects of reaction time, temperature, catalyst composition on the yield of intermediate dichloropropanol and the reaction rate were investigated�� And the catalytic mechanism was also discussed. The results show that the combination of adipic acid and acetonitrile is the best catalyst. On the cyclization of dichloropropanol to epichlorhydrin, the effects of different solvents such as water, toluene, ��n-butyl ether, ��n-octanol and ethylene dichloride were studied, and the optimum reaction temperature ��95 �檪 and time 2.5 h of the cyclization were obtained, the yield of epichlorohydrin was up to 95% in solvent toluene.
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LAN Zhi-Li
YIN Du-Lin
LI Shun
Keywords�� dichloropropanol   glycerol   acetonitrile   adipic acid   epichlorohydrin     


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Ou Lan-Ying , LAN Zhi-Li, YIN Du-Lin, LI Shun.Preparation of Epichlorohydrin from Biomass Glycerol[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 2011,V28(4): 39-43
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