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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1995, Vol. 12 Issue (1) :11-13    DOI:
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Prediction of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for System of Toluene-Benzaldehyde-Benzoic Acid by UNIFAC
Wang Liangen;Lin Aijiao;Nian Baoqiang

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Abstract In this work, UNIFAC group interaction parameters, (a_(CHO) ,COOH,a_(COOH),CHO);(a_(AcCH_2),CHO、a_(CHC),AcCH_2);(a_(Ac CH_2,COOH、aCOOE,AcCH_2),have been modified and supplemented, VLE of the binary systems of toluene-benzaldehyde, benzaldehyde-benzoic acid and toluene benzoic acid are calculated and the VLE of the ternary system is predicted by these pa rameters. The result is satisfactory.
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Keywordss:UNIFAC   toluene   benzaldehyde   benzoic acib VLE     
Received 1995-01-15;
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Wang Liangen;Lin Aijiao;Nian Baoqiang.Prediction of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for System of Toluene-Benzaldehyde-Benzoic Acid by UNIFAC[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1995,V12(1): 11-13
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