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Chemcial Industry and Engineering 1995, Vol. 12 Issue (4) :1-7    DOI:
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The Study of Produciug Fructose Using Dynamic Membrane Separation Type Enzymolysis Device
Zhu Hongji; Hu Jinbang; Zhao Zhongxiang; Jin Dingwu; Nie Qingde

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Abstract A continuous enzymodysis device is combined with a single filter housing dynamic separator(used as ultra filtration module) and a completely stirred enzymolysis reactor. The whole system is a semi-closed circuit.The technological process of producing fructose was studied by using inulinase from candia glaebosa to hydrolyze the inulin which is the main ingredient of jerusalem artichokes extract. Thus,the mathematic model was obtained and examined. It was also proved that the device can be treated as continuous stirred tank reactor(CSTR). Besides, the results showed that with in the test limits, the productivity of continuous operation is 2.34 times as much as that of a batch one under the same dry weight of fructose. it is seen that the continuous enzymolysis will be an operation of excellent developing future .
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Keywordss: membrane separations; fruetose; bioreactor; continuons Enzymolysis; inulin     
Received 1995-10-15;
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Zhu Hongji; Hu Jinbang; Zhao Zhongxiang; Jin Dingwu; Nie Qingde.The Study of Produciug Fructose Using Dynamic Membrane Separation Type Enzymolysis Device[J]  Chemcial Industry and Engineering, 1995,V12(4): 1-7
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